Late last year I was interviewed by Matt Murray from Matt Loves Cameras where I spoke about my ongoing project Karrikins and discussed all things Kodak Aerochrome, including my tips for shooting this rare and unique film. The episode (‘Shooting Aerochrome with Rob Walwyn’) is available to listen to on Spotify (here) and Apple Podcasts (here).
'Karrikins' 2021 Solo Exhibition
I’m thrilled to announce my upcoming solo exhibition at Barometer Gallery in Paddington. I will be displaying the work from my series Karrikins that I have been working on over the last 18 months, documenting the regrowth from the 2019-20 Australian bushfires using Kodak Aerochrome false-colour infrared film.
This exhibition is part of HeadOn Photo Festival (which runs from the 21st to 28th of November), with one of my images being selected as a semi-finalist for the HeadOn 2021 Photo Awards.
The exhibition will run from Wednesday 24th of November 2021 to Sunday 28th November. For more details, refer to the link below:
Opening Hours:
Wednesday (opening night with drinks): 6-830PM
Thursday and Friday: 3-7PM
Saturday: 10AM-7PM
Sunday: 10AM-5PM
Media Links
Below are some links to various interviews I’ve done around my project Karrikins, as well as a spread within Art Edit’s #28 Magazine (2021)
Interview with Art Edit Magazine (printed spread as part of Issue #28 below)
Virtual Photographic Exhibition (in Minecraft) that I took part of with my friend to raise funds for charity ($2,000 raised and donated)
Art Edit Magazine #28